...for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine...2Timothy 4 :3
Clint is a cancer survivor and church planting pastor, who would say his story isn't important. He lives with his family near the coast of South Carolina. He enjoys hunting, fishing, scuba diving, and almost everything else. He`s just a goof ball, excited to tell you a story about Jesus. He says God is still transforming his life and can change yours.
Clint Hardwick
Clint writes and teaches about practical application to the bible. He says," The bible
offers the best instruction for life, and points to the only way for salvation. It tells wonderful stories while connecting the believer's mind to the creator's thoughts." If you want to know details about Clint, or what he believes, click on BELIEFS or Personal Testimony in the Navigation bar. If you'd like for him to speak, any information you need is located on the contact page.
Healed Hearts: only God can heal the broken hearted.
Energetic Love:True love is an action.
Living Loyal: Live committed and loyal to Jesus.
Progress: don't just change. change for the better.
Scriptural Truth The foundation of what we believe must be found in the Word of God.
The Broken Vessel
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